My Lichess Homepage in action

screen by philmageo

New version of the My Lichess Homepage chrome extension

Off topic
I feel at home on lichess that's why I want to decorate it like my home !

[edit june 2024 11th : the version 1.4 will be available in a few day, I'm letting you discover its new features]

Why bother to change Lichess site colors ? Why do I mask the challenges cadences I don't play ?
Sure it is not essential, it won't change my rating or the way I play !

Why ? To feel home and well, to think : that's my place, I can decorate it the way I like !

That's what My Lichess Homepage does with other new features, i'm here to tell you about

Let me recall you about MLHP :


  1. Colors rotation : Starting from lichess dark mode, MLHP provides a very simple blue and green model. From this basis you can now rotate the colors like on a rainbow to change the main colors to green pink etc...
    The color saturation slider makes the colours more vivid our more peaceful according to your mood.
  2. Hiding areas on the main page : winners or top players list does not interest me so I hide them to get a quieter page. You can choose which areas you keep or hide. The interface is simpler and more readable IMO. Of course I chose not to mask donations links as lichess needs our support.
  3. Hiding challenges cadences I don't use : Same here it's juste simpler and nicer

What's new in the version (1.3) ?


  1. Bots filtering : If playing with human players is the best way to progress and is more enjoyable, sometimes playing bots can be funny ! But there are so many in the page ! I generally filter them from 1000 to 1500 and get a limited and playable list


5. Notes on my friends : maybe a little weird for some of you, but I love to chat with other players. Oups, this guy already told me his first name, i can't recall it, that's rude ! Luckily a note appears when I hover his alias with his first name and favorite opening !

You will find this chrome extension here on chrome official store. It has been reviewed and validated by Google so it's safe and free. Everything will stay inside your browser

MyLichessHomepage v 1.3

Tell me If you would like to use MLHP on another browser like firefox or I you think about another feature.
Last word :
MLHP is open source, you will find it on GITHUB :

See you soon in game.

