
Positional Queen Sacrifices

3 • HyperBroly •
  1. How much is a queen worth?
  2. Textbook exchange for White
  3. Textbook exchange for Black
  4. Sacrificing the queen to neutralize the attack
  1. HyperBroly

Crush 1.e4 with the Caro-Kann! Full Repertoire!

1085 • ST123_stsoham_Chess •
  1. What is Caro-Kann and what are we going to learn in this study?
  2. Section 1: Mainlines!
  3. Exchange Variation
  4. Panov-Botvinnik Attack, Fianchetto Gambit!
  1. ST123_stsoham_Chess

A response to the Danish Gambit

1 • buihoatpt2k3 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Main Variation: 4. cxd4
  3. 4. Bd3
  4. Other Variations
  1. buihoatpt2k3

Schwarz: Wayward Queen Attack

1 • Rabengeier •
  1. Wayward Queen Attack
  1. Rabengeier

CRUSH the Danish Gambit with this tricky move

1 • IAmABike64 •
  1. what white wants
  2. white plays Qe2?
  3. white plays Nd2?? (a little bit tricky)
  4. white plays cxd4 dxe4 Bc4
  1. IAmABike64

My best game in Caro Kann

2 • Masterritwik2013 •
  1. nad10379 (1922) - Masterritwik2013 (1885)
  1. Masterritwik2013

A Complete Guide to the Benoni Defense

72 • A_Dragon_Riding_King •
  1. Benoni Defense
  2. Benoni Defense: Benoni Gambit: Schlenker Defense
  3. Benoni Defense: Benoni Gambit Accepted
  4. Benoni-Indian Defense
  1. A_Dragon_Riding_King

GUARANTEED VICTORY with the EPIC Rousseau Gambit!

8 • JosephChessKing6 •
  1. The Rousseau Gambit
  2. The Rousseau Gambit: 4.Nc3? 4...fxe4! d4! trap
  3. The Rousseau Gambit: Crush 4.exf5?!
  4. The Rousseau Gambit: 4.exf5?!, 5.Qe2?, Nxc2!! trap
  1. JosephChessKing6

Modern Scandinavian, 6. b5!!: Kiel Variation Playthroughs

7 • ryuji2k •
  1. The 6.. b5!! Line (Kiel Variation)
  2. Playthrough 1: 6.. b5!! Main Line - Winning the Queen
  3. Playthrough 2: 6.. b5!! Main Line II - Qd1#
  4. Playthrough 3: 7. Qxb5
  1. ryuji2k

TOP 10 Lucchini and Rousseau Gambit TRAPS (for black)

3 • lexamuray2022 •
  2. 4. d3
  3. TRAP 2
  4. TRAP 3 (INSANE)
  1. lexamuray2022

Sicilian Defense

1621 • andrewtsiri •
  1. Intro and Starting Position
  2. Pros and Cons
  3. Closed Variation
  4. Open Variation
  1. lkath
  2. giannis2011
  3. s567th
  4. olympia2008

Opening Theory

3 • oMont •
  1. Nimzowitsch Defence
  2. Nimzo-Indian Defence
  3. Philidor Defence
  4. Bishops Opening
  1. oMont

Nimzowitsch Defense

3 • mor2012 •
  1. fails
  2. goods
  3. Fejezet: 3
  1. mor2012

French Defense: McCutcheon Variation

1 • SilentAssassin1 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. SilentAssassin1

Game study

5 • tiikerihai •
  1. Game analysis for improving the tactical eye and breaking bad habits
  2. white's perspective
  1. Boxyk
  2. tiikerihai

Queen's Gambit Declined

0 • chickennugget1231321 •
  1. Black Nf3
  2. Black Nc3
  1. chickennugget1231321