
Fun variants you play over the board?

@Skittle-Head said in #9:
> This variant of chess is very fun.
> A screen is placed in the middle of the board, dividing each side of the board.
> The players then can place their chessmen in any position they wish, on their side. (No pawns on the back rank)
> The screen is lifted and the game begins.
> Kind of like starting out in middle game.
> Castling is allowed if the king and rook are in their normal starting chess positions.
> En passant is allowed.
> It was fun coming up with various starting positions, that were effective.
> Try it, fun to play! - :]

That's not a variant. You didn't specify when the screen would be lifted. It has all standard rules of chess. Shouldn't be called a variant. I mean how would you classify it as variant.
>A screen is placed in the middle of the board, dividing each side of the board.
>The players then can place their chessmen in any position they wish, on their side. (No pawns on the back rank)
>The screen is lifted and the game begins.
'After each player arranges their pieces anyway, they wish'...'the screen is lifted to reveal the position to each other, and the game begins'. As it says. The custom arrangement of the pieces, makes it a variant don't you think?? -:] @Akbar2thegreat
@Skittle-Head said in #12:
> 'After each player arranges their pieces anyway, they wish'...'the screen is lifted to reveal the position to each other, and the game begins'. As it says. The custom arrangement of the pieces, makes it a variant don't you think?? -:] @Akbar2thegreat
Could be but unfortunately I am still not interested in that and perhaps that's why my mind is not accepting it as a variant. Sorry if my words made you feel sad about it.