
Ultimate Guide - Danish Gambit

1792 • Green_Frog96 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Main Opening Ideas
  3. Goodbye my dear
  4. Poisoned Pawn
  1. Green_Frog96

Queen's Gambit | Full Repertoire

895 • Bosburp •
  1. Introduction
  2. Section 1: Queen's Gambit Accepted
  3. QGA: Rosenthal Defense 3...e6
  4. QGA: Classical Defense 3...Nf6-4...e6-5...c5
  1. Bosburp

The Italian Opening

626 • TanmayVerma939 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Giuoco Piano
  3. Giuoco Pianissimo
  4. Evan's Gambit
  1. TanmayVerma939

1. e4 Repertoire for White

541 • Green_Frog96 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Italian Game: Evans Gambit
  3. Italian Game: Classical Variation, Greco Gambit
  4. Italian Game: Two Knights Defense, Fried Liver Attack
  1. Green_Frog96

WIN with 1. f4! | Bird Opening

501 • Bosburp •
  1. Introduction
  2. The Usual Setup
  3. Section 1: Dutch Variation 1...d5
  4. Dutch Variation: 2...c5 Massive Attack!
  1. Bosburp

CRUSH Black with the Scotch Gambit!

464 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Two Knights - 5...Ne4!?
  3. Two Knights - 5...Ng4!?
  4. Two Knights - 6...Nd7!?
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974
  2. Bosburp

London System Repertoire

413 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction to the London System
  2. == 1.d4 d5 ==
  3. 1...d5 Move-order discussion (️ IMPORTANT ️)
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974

The Carlsen Sicilian!

373 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Najdorf-Style - ...e5 setups
  3. ...e6 setups - 7...d5
  4. ...e6 setups - 7...a6
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974
  2. Sooin_Cho

The Ukrainian Sicilian!

197 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Mainline - 6...Bb4 7th move sidelines
  3. Mainline - 6...Bb4 7...O-O
  4. Mainline - 6...Be7
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974

Destroy Sicilian with this Trap!

187 • ST123_stsoham_Chess •
  1. Intro
  2. Section 1: Portsmouth Gambit
  3. Section 1.1: OH NO MY KNIGHT!!
  4. 10...Nb8
  1. ST123_stsoham_Chess

Crush the Caro-Kann! White Repertoire

173 • Jisu101 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Repertoire 1: "Open"
  3. Section 1: 4...Bf5
  4. Section 2: 4...Nc6
  1. Jisu101

Burn the Najdorf!

148 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction to the Najdorf for White
  2. Najdorf - 6...e5?
  3. Old Mainline - Introduction
  4. Old Mainline 12.Nd5!? - Lost common line
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974

CRUSH the Nimzowitsch Defense with this RARE move!

94 • Jisu101 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Section 1: 2...e5
  3. Mainlines - Black tries to play Ng6 on the next move
  4. Mainlines - Black develops
  1. ST123_stsoham_Chess
  2. Bosburp
  3. Jisu101

CRUSH Black with this RARE Gambit!

90 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Section 1: Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Mainline
  3. Mainline - 5...Bg4 Teichmann Defence with 6...Bxf3
  4. Mainline - 5...Bg4 Teichmann Defence with 6...Bh5
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974

Destroy the Caro-Kann with this GODLY move!

85 • ST123_stsoham_Chess •
  1. Intro
  2. Accepted Variation // 4...Nf6?! // 5...Nfd7?!
  3. Accepted Variation // 4...Nf6?! // 5...Ne4
  4. Accepted Variation // 4...Nf6?! // 5...Nd5
  1. ST123_stsoham_Chess

Burn the Kan & Taimanov!

82 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Kan 5...Bc5 - 6...Be7
  3. Kan 5...Bc5 - 6...Ba7
  4. Kan 5...Nf6/5...Qc7 Mainline
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974